Shop with peace of mind on every pre-owned vehicle in stock
Canobie Lake Toyota wants to provide you with peace of mind when you buy any used vehicle from us. Right now, buy any used vehicle with an expired powertrain factory warranty and you'll receive a Limited Powertrain Warranty! It doesn't get better than that.
*Vehicles must be within current plus 15 model years and under 200,000 miles. Used vehicle Limited Warranties are included on the vehicle at the time of purchase. Warranty program available on every pre-owned vehicle in stock up to 200,000 miles and/or 2006 model year or newer. See dealer for complete details. Time and Mileage coverage periods for Limited Warranties are measured from the time of purchase of the vehicle. Coverage expires upon reaching the maximum time or mileage of the coverage period selected, whichever occurs first. ©2019 Toyota Financial Services is a service mark used by Toyota Motor Insurance Services, Inc. and its subsidiaries.